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Bases: MultiClassMetric

Time To Detection (TTD), represents the amount of samples needed for a novel class to be classified as a novel concept, as defined in [1].

[1] Gaudreault, JG., Branco, P. (2023). Toward Streamlining the Evaluation of Novelty Detection in Data Streams. In: Bifet, A., Lorena, A.C., Ribeiro, R.P., Gama, J., Abreu, P.H. (eds) Discovery Science. DS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14276. Springer, Cham.


Name Type Description Default
known_classes list of int

List of known labels, the labels the algorithm knows prior to the online phase

cm ConfusionMatrixNovelty

Optional, can specify an already existing confusion matrix instead of creating a new one for the metric



Name Type Description
cm ConfusionMatrixNovelty

Confusion matrix

Source code in streamndr/metrics/
class TTD(metrics.base.MultiClassMetric):
    """Time To Detection (TTD), represents the amount of samples needed for a novel class to be classified as a novel concept, as defined in [1].

    [1] Gaudreault, JG., Branco, P. (2023). Toward Streamlining the Evaluation of Novelty Detection in Data Streams. 
        In: Bifet, A., Lorena, A.C., Ribeiro, R.P., Gama, J., Abreu, P.H. (eds) Discovery Science. DS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14276. Springer, Cham. 

    known_classes : list of int
        List of known labels, the labels the algorithm knows prior to the online phase
    cm : ConfusionMatrixNovelty
        Optional, can specify an already existing confusion matrix instead of creating a new one for the metric

    cm : ConfusionMatrixNovelty
        Confusion matrix
    def __init__(self, known_classes, cm: ConfusionMatrixNovelty = None):
        if cm is None:
            cm = ConfusionMatrixNovelty(known_classes)

        super(metrics.base.MultiClassMetric, self).__init__(cm)

        self.time_since_first_seen = dict()
        self.time_to_detection = dict()

    def update(self, y_true, y_pred, w=1.0):
        super().update(y_true, y_pred, w)

        if (not y_true in self.time_since_first_seen) and (not y_true in
            self.time_since_first_seen[y_true] = 0

        elif (y_true in self.time_since_first_seen) and (not y_true in self.time_to_detection) and (not y_pred in{-1})):
            self.time_to_detection[y_true] = self.time_since_first_seen[y_true]

        elif (y_true in self.time_since_first_seen) and (not y_true in self.time_to_detection) and (y_pred in{-1})):
            self.time_since_first_seen[y_true] += 1

    def get(self):
        tmp = dict()

        for key in self.time_since_first_seen:
            if key in self.time_to_detection:
                tmp[key] = self.time_to_detection[key]
                tmp[key] = -1

        return tmp

    def __repr__(self):
        return "TTD: " + pprint.pformat(self.get())