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Bases: ECSMiner

Implementation of the ECSMinerWF (ECSMiner without feedback) algorithm for novelty detection. [1]

[1] de Faria, Elaine Ribeiro, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira Carvalho, and Joao Gama. "MINAS: multiclass learning algorithm for novelty detection in data streams." Data mining and knowledge discovery 30 (2016): 640-680.


Name Type Description Default
K int

Number of pseudopoints per classifier. In other words, it is the number of K cluster for the clustering algorithm.

min_examples_cluster int

Minimum number of examples to declare a novel class

ensemble_size int

Number of classifiers to use to create the ensemble

verbose int

Controls the level of verbosity, the higher, the more messages are displayed. Can be '1', '2', or '3'.

random_state int

Seed for the random number generation. Makes the algorithm deterministic if a number is provided.

init_algorithm string

String containing the clustering algorithm to use to initialize the clusters, supports 'kmeans' and 'mcikmeans'



Name Type Description
novel_models list of ClusterModel

List containing the models representing novel classes, added during the online phase.

Source code in streamndr/model/
class ECSMinerWF(ECSMiner):
    """Implementation of the ECSMinerWF (ECSMiner without feedback) algorithm for novelty detection. [1]

    [1] de Faria, Elaine Ribeiro, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira Carvalho, and Joao Gama. "MINAS: multiclass learning algorithm for novelty detection in data streams." 
    Data mining and knowledge discovery 30 (2016): 640-680.

    K : int
        Number of pseudopoints per classifier. In other words, it is the number of K cluster for the clustering algorithm.
    min_examples_cluster : int
        Minimum number of examples to declare a novel class 
    ensemble_size : int
        Number of classifiers to use to create the ensemble
    verbose : int
        Controls the level of verbosity, the higher, the more messages are displayed. Can be '1', '2', or '3'.
    random_state : int
        Seed for the random number generation. Makes the algorithm deterministic if a number is provided.
    init_algorithm : string
        String containing the clustering algorithm to use to initialize the clusters, supports 'kmeans' and 'mcikmeans'

    novel_models : list of ClusterModel
        List containing the models representing novel classes, added during the online phase.

    def __init__(self,
                 min_examples_cluster=50, #Number of instances requried to declare a novel class 


        self.novel_models = []

    def predict_many(self, X, y=None):
        """Represents the online phase. Receives multiple samples, for each sample predict its label and adds it to the cluster if it is a known class. 
        Otherwise, if it's unknown, it is added to the short term memory and novelty detection is performed once the trigger has been reached (min_examples_cluster).

        X : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray
        y : list of int
            True y values of the samples.

            Array of length len(X) containing the predicted labels, predicts -1 if the corresponding sample is labeled as unknown

            If the model has not been trained first with learn_many() (offline phase)
        if self.before_offline_phase:
            raise Exception("Model must be fitted first")

        if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
            X = X.to_numpy() #Converting DataFrame to numpy array

        f_outliers = self._check_f_outlier(X, self.models)
        closest_model_cluster, y_preds = self._majority_voting(X)

        #If we have novel models, get the closest ones for all Xs
        if len(self.novel_models) > 0:
            closest_novel_clusters, novel_dists = get_closest_clusters(X, [microcluster.centroid for model in self.novel_models for microcluster in model.microclusters])
            novel_microclusters = [microcluster for model in self.novel_models for microcluster in model.microclusters]

        pred_label = []
        for i in range(len(X)):
            self.sample_counter += 1
            if y is not None:
                if y[i] not in self.class_sample_counter:
                    self.class_sample_counter[y[i]] = 1
                    self.class_sample_counter[y[i]] += 1

            #Get the closest microcluster with our list of tuples self.models[closest_model_index][closest_cluster_index]
            closest_cluster = self.models[closest_model_cluster[i][0]].microclusters[closest_model_cluster[i][1]]


            #If X is not an F-outlier (inside the closest cluster radius), then we classify it with the label from the majority voting
            if not f_outliers[i]:
                closest_cluster.update_cluster(X[i], self.sample_counter, False)

            else: #X is an F-outlier (outside the boundary of all classifiers)
                #Check if X can be explained by our list of novel models
                if len(self.novel_models) > 0 and novel_dists[i] <= novel_microclusters[closest_novel_clusters[i]].max_distance:
                    novel_microclusters[closest_novel_clusters[i]].update_cluster(X[i], self.sample_counter, False)


                    if y is not None:
                        self.short_mem.append(ShortMemInstance(X[i], self.sample_counter, y[i]))
                        if y[i] not in self.nb_class_unknown:
                            self.nb_class_unknown[y[i]] = 1
                            self.nb_class_unknown[y[i]] += 1
                        self.short_mem.append(ShortMemInstance(X[i], self.sample_counter))

                    #Check if the length of the buffer is at least {min_examples_cluster} and that the last check was at least {min_examples_cluster} samples ago
                    if (len(self.short_mem) > self.min_examples_cluster) and ((self.last_nd + self.min_examples_cluster) <= self.sample_counter):
                        self.last_nd = self.sample_counter

                        #Find the list of novel clusters, if any
                        novel_clusters = self._novelty_detect()

                        if novel_clusters is not None: #We have novelty clusters
                            #Find the next available sequential label
                            max_label_ensemble = max([label for model in self.models for label in model.labels])
                            max_label_novel = max([label for model in self.novel_models for label in model.labels]) if len(self.novel_models) > 0 else -1
                            new_label = max(max_label_ensemble, max_label_novel) + 1

                            for novel_cluster in novel_clusters:
                                #Set the label for each microcluster
                                novel_cluster.label = new_label

                                if self.verbose > 0: print("Novel cluster detected: ", novel_cluster.small_str())

                                #Remove instances from the buffer
                                for instance in novel_cluster.instances:

                            pred_label[-1] = new_label

                            #Add the clusters to our novel models list
                            self.novel_models.append(ClusterModel(novel_clusters, [new_label]))

        return np.array(pred_label)

predict_many(X, y=None)

Represents the online phase. Receives multiple samples, for each sample predict its label and adds it to the cluster if it is a known class. Otherwise, if it's unknown, it is added to the short term memory and novelty detection is performed once the trigger has been reached (min_examples_cluster).


Name Type Description Default
X DataFrame or ndarray


y list of int

True y values of the samples.



Type Description

Array of length len(X) containing the predicted labels, predicts -1 if the corresponding sample is labeled as unknown


Type Description

If the model has not been trained first with learn_many() (offline phase)

Source code in streamndr/model/
def predict_many(self, X, y=None):
    """Represents the online phase. Receives multiple samples, for each sample predict its label and adds it to the cluster if it is a known class. 
    Otherwise, if it's unknown, it is added to the short term memory and novelty detection is performed once the trigger has been reached (min_examples_cluster).

    X : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray
    y : list of int
        True y values of the samples.

        Array of length len(X) containing the predicted labels, predicts -1 if the corresponding sample is labeled as unknown

        If the model has not been trained first with learn_many() (offline phase)
    if self.before_offline_phase:
        raise Exception("Model must be fitted first")

    if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
        X = X.to_numpy() #Converting DataFrame to numpy array

    f_outliers = self._check_f_outlier(X, self.models)
    closest_model_cluster, y_preds = self._majority_voting(X)

    #If we have novel models, get the closest ones for all Xs
    if len(self.novel_models) > 0:
        closest_novel_clusters, novel_dists = get_closest_clusters(X, [microcluster.centroid for model in self.novel_models for microcluster in model.microclusters])
        novel_microclusters = [microcluster for model in self.novel_models for microcluster in model.microclusters]

    pred_label = []
    for i in range(len(X)):
        self.sample_counter += 1
        if y is not None:
            if y[i] not in self.class_sample_counter:
                self.class_sample_counter[y[i]] = 1
                self.class_sample_counter[y[i]] += 1

        #Get the closest microcluster with our list of tuples self.models[closest_model_index][closest_cluster_index]
        closest_cluster = self.models[closest_model_cluster[i][0]].microclusters[closest_model_cluster[i][1]]


        #If X is not an F-outlier (inside the closest cluster radius), then we classify it with the label from the majority voting
        if not f_outliers[i]:
            closest_cluster.update_cluster(X[i], self.sample_counter, False)

        else: #X is an F-outlier (outside the boundary of all classifiers)
            #Check if X can be explained by our list of novel models
            if len(self.novel_models) > 0 and novel_dists[i] <= novel_microclusters[closest_novel_clusters[i]].max_distance:
                novel_microclusters[closest_novel_clusters[i]].update_cluster(X[i], self.sample_counter, False)


                if y is not None:
                    self.short_mem.append(ShortMemInstance(X[i], self.sample_counter, y[i]))
                    if y[i] not in self.nb_class_unknown:
                        self.nb_class_unknown[y[i]] = 1
                        self.nb_class_unknown[y[i]] += 1
                    self.short_mem.append(ShortMemInstance(X[i], self.sample_counter))

                #Check if the length of the buffer is at least {min_examples_cluster} and that the last check was at least {min_examples_cluster} samples ago
                if (len(self.short_mem) > self.min_examples_cluster) and ((self.last_nd + self.min_examples_cluster) <= self.sample_counter):
                    self.last_nd = self.sample_counter

                    #Find the list of novel clusters, if any
                    novel_clusters = self._novelty_detect()

                    if novel_clusters is not None: #We have novelty clusters
                        #Find the next available sequential label
                        max_label_ensemble = max([label for model in self.models for label in model.labels])
                        max_label_novel = max([label for model in self.novel_models for label in model.labels]) if len(self.novel_models) > 0 else -1
                        new_label = max(max_label_ensemble, max_label_novel) + 1

                        for novel_cluster in novel_clusters:
                            #Set the label for each microcluster
                            novel_cluster.label = new_label

                            if self.verbose > 0: print("Novel cluster detected: ", novel_cluster.small_str())

                            #Remove instances from the buffer
                            for instance in novel_cluster.instances:

                        pred_label[-1] = new_label

                        #Add the clusters to our novel models list
                        self.novel_models.append(ClusterModel(novel_clusters, [new_label]))

    return np.array(pred_label)